Breaking Internalised Capitalism

I’m back from my travels. Currently isolating at my dad’s house. So I’ve got plenty of time to write!

This post is pretty out there… I’m trusting the universe that you are ready to receive this message.

Does emotional attachment affect physical items?

Last year, before I started travelling, I said goodbye to most of my stuff. Keeping a few boxes full of sentimental things at my dad’s house.

By just living with a few items in my backpack, I realised how much I needed (not very much!)

I would often find items in the streets of Athens, and add it to my collection. In turn giving away good quality things. With the sense of, if I give to the universe, the universe will give it three times back to me. A gift to the gods if you will!

Looking through what I decided to keep, I felt a disconnect from the physical item, but not the story that came with it.

For example my childhood teddy…

I’m not embarrassed to share, that it was hard parting with my teddy. Teddy is a professional-on-demand cuddler. I would always cuddle my teddy when sad or anxious.

It feels strange being with teddy again. It looks the same, but it feels different. Gives me an alternative universe vibe.

I’ve learnt how to comfort myself without my teddy. Losing attachment towards it. Dealing with emotions that come up, on my own. Instead of using something else to cope with it.

Taking on the very literal term of “emotional baggage.”

In the brilliant film the Labyrinth, Sarah is on an adventure in a weird world, rescuing her brother from goblin King David Bowie.

Relived to find herself in her room. “It was all a dream” she exclaimed, firmly grounding herself to teddy Lancelot.

Then this creepy hoarder lady makes Sarah connect with 3d items. But Sarah starts to remember, there was something she was meant to do.

By letting go of her attachments, the simulated version of her house, starts to crumble.

Capitalism has made us focus on the physical. We spend most of our lives, making money.

Is this really what we’re meant to be doing?

Does this disconnect us from our true self?

Is there something we should be remembering?

If you enjoyed reading this, check out my previous post on how  internerlised capitalism shows up regarding how we treat others.

Forgive And Forget

Ending the story between myself and this Athenian malaka.

As Sometimes,

We need to take a step back,

Say Sorry,


It will Keep,

Waying You Down.

Forget it,

Really Forget it.

I know this goes against what I wrote in another blog post, but what can I say, I’m developing!

Do Not Let Your Trauma Define You.

That’s Easier said than done I know…

Let’s Start…

Analysing the Words We Use.

Let me tell you a Secret…

Each time We Tell Ourselves,

We are Not Good Enough,

Our Brain takes that As Fact,

And You will Become Just That…

Not Good Enough.

Be careful with language.

“I was hurt, it destroyed me”


“I was hurt, I am healing”

Can you see the difference that has?

This Is Not Avoiding Your problems.

Be Honest,

Write down Your Problems,

I’ve been putting mine in the Fire.

Feels very freeing

Surrendering it to the Universe.

Anyway I go off tangent easily!

To The Athenian malaka,

I’m Sorry,

You were

Born + Raised

In a Toxic System

Taught to Hate Yourself

It sucks.

But it helps me


The Way You Are,

Your Behavior,

Was Learnt

At a Young age.

You saw Other Men,

Disrespecting Women.

And You Thought it was


I’m Sorry.